Thursday, April 20, 2006

كتب فى 1907

ما الجريدة الا صحيفة مصرية , شعارها الاعتدال الصريح , ومراميها ارشاد الامة المصرية الى اسباب الرقى الصحيح , والحض على الاخذ بها , واخلاص النصح للحكومة والامة بتبيين ما هو خير وأولى , تنقد أعمال الافراد وأعمال الحكومة بحرية تامة أساسها حسن الظن من غير تعرض للموظفين والافراد فى أشخاصهم وأعمالهم التى لا مساس لها بجسم الكل الذى لا ينقسم , وهو الامة..

لا يكون من اهل الوطن الواحد أمة الا اذا ضاقت دائرة الفروق بين افرادها واتسعت دائرة المشابهات بينهم , وان أظهر المشابهات فى حالة الامة السياسية هو التشابه فى الرأى بين الافراد وهذا ما يسمونه بالرأى العام..

والناس بطبائعهم أشتات فى الرأى , كما قيل : (( للناس عدد رءوسهم آراء )) وهم فى البلاد الحديثة العهد بالرقى , ينصرف كل منهم غالبا عن التفكير فى الامور العامة الى تدبير حاجتهم الخاصة , حتى ترشدهم الصحف كل يوم الى ان لهم فوق وجودهم الخاص وجودا عاما , وان بهذا الوجود العام كما لا يجب ان يرقى اليه بعمل الافراد..

- احمد لطفى السيد فى افتتاحيته لجريدته المستقلة ((الجريدة)).
و كما قال يوسف وهبى: يا لا الهول , يا لا الهول!..


Anonymous said...

Nothing indicates how low we've gone since then, than making a simple comparison between who we had then and who do we have now, A7mad lotfy el sayed versus Sameer Ragab or Momtaz el 2ot. Makes want to take a time machine to the thirties.

Seneferu said...

LOL, just reading their names made me laugh. Bas haram, this wasn't even the 1930s...this was 1907.

Ayyam said...

لا يكون من اهل الوطن الواحد أمة الا اذا ضاقت دائرة الفروق بين افرادها

I think this is the most important one!!! In our case we do have a big gap in our society since we lost the middle class..This was the most effective driving force for our development!!!

Not surprisingly, in 1907 people already knew what to do and we still lagging behind...unfortunately We can’t go back …

Anonymous said...

Bet, it was a different country with different people with different perspective on life and a different but genuine understanding and practice of their religion, let's assume we're in 1947 for example, it was a time when a coptic priest passed in front a coffee shop, and everyone would stand up in respect, and before that priest heads home he goes to his next door neighbor's apartment to give free piano lessons to their 6 yr old child and loses half a gallon of sweat trying to make that child perfect his skills as if he's his own son (true story, that boy's Mohamed Nooh). It was a time when a young Nageeb Mahfooz has just published his haunting novel The Mirage with it's heart shattering end, and was working now on a more haunting master piece called the beggining and the end, and Anwar Wagdy was putting the final touches on '3azal el banat, and Ignace Tiegerman the great polish jew pianist chose Cairo to be his home over New York, and Mostafa Msharafa was working on what could have been a genuine first noble in physics, and Michel Ba'7oom has just finished his phd from urbana champagne and is preparing to return to egypt, in spite of the relentless begging of the engineering firm he's working for in ny to stay, most probably thinking to himself "are they kidding me, why would I leave egypt and stay here", and he wasn't alone, almost non of those who studied abroad at that time would even consider staying a day more than needed (can you see the contrast now), and it was a time if you had enough brain to finish college you were guaranteed a decent and dignified life for you and your family, and also it was a time when Mohamed Hussein Heikal (not to be confused with Hassanen Heikal, nasser's own history pimp) and 3abbas El 3a2ad were members of parliament (again see the contrast, now we have Abol el 3enane we kamal el shazly we 3adel crown, I serously doubt if someone like Heikal basha would even allow any one of those to shine his shoe, can you see the atrocity, they're sitting on the chair he once sat on), it was a time when cairo was a european city and the dollar was called el reyal (it was worth 20 piasters)and we didn't import a single bag of wheat, as you said yourself bet, offff.

Seneferu said...

Aywa kidda ya Mohamed, fadfad kidda fadfad:-)

Ayyam and Bit, I wish I can say that we can fix what went wront...

Anonymous said...

Just keep breaking our hearts by bringing those great quotes and articles from the past Seneferu,