Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's the 6th of October

In memory of all those who fought and lost their lives to liberate the occupied Egyptian lands

And in memory of Sadat who brilliantly led the war against all odds...and sacrificed his life for the peace.


Anonymous said...

are u serious?

Assem said...

god bless him!

Seneferu said...

Forsooth, I am...about which part do you mean? Elaborate and we can discuss.

Seneferu said...

Memz, congratulations on the new blog and I'm sorry to hear about your uncle.

Assem said...

Thanks, hopefully it will go well!
u know, i wish one day i can understand haw nasseri people think!

Seneferu said...

Thanks for expressing your differences, I encourage you to do this more often.

You have to put things in perspective, Peter:

Egypt was occupied, he liberated it.

It was in a state of war, he brought peace.

Your turn.

Seneferu said...

I disagree with most of what you said.

Stay tuned, and thank you for blessing me:) Barakatak ya 3am Peter.

Anonymous said...

Egypter, your absulotley right about everything. Mind you, Sadat had his positives. But in a free democratic country his preformance as a president wouldn't have been enough to keep him in power. The problem dictatorships, is regardless of how good the president as an individual is, it will still be a dieing country. Sadat suppressed the educated and progressives and encouraged the islamists and endorsed their messages. He spent an arm and a leg getting egyptians to donate to the so called 'arab afghans' and so forth. It's not until he realised that the baby crocodile is growing older that he reversed his policies. But it was too late, a lead bullet got introduced to his frontal lobe.

Seneferu said...

None of the bullets went near his head.