Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Family Jewels?

...عمّو شرشر بيقول

"عبدالناصر استبدل 3500 جنيه من معاشه ليزوج بناته"...

A lady I know spotted the picture above in the July issue of an Egyptian fashion/celebrity-society-photo magazine...

...and said no matter how much money you have, you can't afford to buy so many jewels (rubies, she maybe mentioned?) on your necklace. She was implying that this necklace probably belonged to the jewellery acquisitioned by "the revolution" from the Royal family.

I don't know much about jewels myself - she could be right, and very well be wrong - but there's just a thought, at least to what the esteemed Mr. Sharshar says...

(Disclaimer: This post seems to me like a typical Adel Hammouda muckraking moment, so I apologize for that, but Mr. Sharshar's editorial just provoked me into sharing this fleeting thought...)

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