Thursday, September 14, 2006

فتحى زغلول

فاكرين تمثيلية قاسم امين؟

اولا أحب أوضح ان انا ماشفتهاش , عشان ماحدش يقول انى بافترى على الناس. لكن الانطباع اللى انا خدته من بعض المشاهد ومن المتفرجين وانا ماشى رايح جى هو انه مصورين السيد فتحى زغلول أخو سعد زغلول فى صورة راجل هزؤ ومصلحجى وعميل للمصالح البريطانية و الخ الخ الخ.

وبعدها بفترة وانا بقرا كتاب (قصة حياتى) للاستاذ أحمد لطفى السيد لقيته كاتب فصل بحاله من كتابه بإسم (عرفت تولستوى و فتحى زغلول). يعنى استاذ الجيل , كما كانوا يسمونه , حاطت فتحى زغلول فى كفة واحدة مع تولستوى.

و ده اللى انا باقصده بالتزوير الناصرى المنظم لتاريخ مصر. وعشان كده انا ما حبتش اتفرج على التمثيلية اللى بتذيعها الحكومة على الناس على ما يبدو من غير اى نوع من الوعى.

.كبرَوا الصور واقروا بنفسكم اللى كتبه لطفى السيد عن فتحى زغلول , و عرَفونى لو انا غلطان ولا لأ


Anonymous said...

اذا كانو بيئولو حاجات زي ديه على سعد زغلول، يبئا تتوقع ايه لما يكون اخوه؟ على العموم انا باحب قاسم امين، فهاتضطر اتفرج عالتمثيلية. Btw, where can I get Lutfi's book in Egypt? I actually don't know that much about Zaghlul's brother.

Montage said...

Is this soap being shown now or is it old or what?
What's the book called?

Seneferu said...

Demira, rabbena m3aki fil tamsiliyya, but people liked it anyway. In any case when you see it let me know if they portrayed him this way or not. I don't know where the book is being sold, mine is an old print, don't know where it was bought.

Shahrazad, the soap was being shown about a year ago, it's bound to be repeated again and again.

The book is called qisset hayati, the pages here are the ones that had to do with Fathi Zaghloul.

Seneferu said...

Demira, make a round at the bookstores downtown then Diwan in zamalek. Even if you don't find it, it's bound to be a fruitful round:)

Anonymous said...

ِActually, I'm really looking forward to hitting the bookstores while I'm here. I haven't gotton around doing much of anything yet because, of course, I got hit with the flu after a 22-hour trip and have been sick for the last week. Is Madbouli downtown? Where in Zamalek is Diwan located?

Seneferu said...

Oh salamtik, sorry to hear that.

ta7t el kobri kidda, elli yis2al may tohsh:)

yes Madbouli is downtown.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? There was a tamseeleya about Kasem ameen? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but judging from a lifetime experience of watching an infinitely retarded tamseeleya after tamseeleya (Mizo being the only exception) I can't even imagine how this could be entertaining, and people were watching it? Boy, we'd even watch static if they played it on tv.

Seneferu said...

Shoofi ya Demira...inti tbossi 3al ahwa ellafrangi elli 3ala awwel el share3, terouhi mashya shemal tawwaali we hat la2eeha 3ala yammitik el yemein.

Mo, Mizo?

Anonymous said...

Yeah man, Mizo, that's the funniest thing ever made on the egyptian tv or any tv, period. It starred smeer '3anem and es3ad younis and some other funny genius who I don't remember his name and who disappeared or died or whatever after that, I think it was made in 1976 or 1977, and they reran it 2 or three times in the 90s (mostly 3alcanah el rab3a awe el talta or el oola at 12 in the morning), and I don't think it did cost them more than fifty piasters to produce it, but it was hilarious.

Seneferu said...

yes yes, yah..I totally forgot about that.

Seneferu said...

Wait, I think I confused this for something else.

Anonymous said...

Dude, thanks for recommending Diwan. I went there today and was pleasantly surprised by the cool ambiance, the in-house café, and the very professional and polite young Egyptians working there. I came out with a nice selection, including a couple of classics like Hakim's 3awdet el Roa7 8-)

Seneferu said...

Aye khidma.