Sunday, September 17, 2006
Fouad el Mohandes
Another landmark passes away.
I watched an interview with him last night where he was being brutally honest about the lack of talent in the younger generations of comedians after himself. But it's not a matter of talent, or genes, as he put it, but of what is made of this available talent.
He said he considered himself a student of the school of Naguib el Rihani, and the comedians a little younger than himself said they considered themselves students of Fouad el Mohandes...but what was next after this?
These were generations born before "the revolution", when there were artistic institutions that picked up talent and made something out of it. Drama, music and art were taught in Egyptian schools...but this all eventually faded out with the passing of the older generations brought up in the era of the "ancien regime". The chain of the institutions themselves were cut off and eventually became obsolete.
Update: I don't mean to depress you so make sure you read these two hilarious posts here, and here.
Allah yer7amou, I had no idea :(
Can you tell me what ...مديرية امن means exactly? Police station??
Thanks :)
Yes, how come?:)
Thanks,how come what?
modiryrit el amn?
It is a long story but at work I am analyzing a batch of files from مديرية امن محافظة اربيل and I was not sure what مديرية امن meant exactly, since I am used to calling police station مركز شرطة
Since you're so helpfull and so nice, can I ask you another question related to arabic handwritting? :)
hmmm...da so2al 3awees giddan...maybe we should ask for more professional help.
Inti to2mori:), but I doubt I will be of much help.
That Stashhash guy is a genius, couldn't stop laughing for ten minutes straight.
Yes he was very funny, a new comedian is born (was born a long time ago and we just saw his post).
Ya Leilouta, the mudiriya is probably the bigger regional police station of the area, not just an ordinary small one.
يعيشك برشه برشه :)
ya3ny eh akher kelmitein dol?
ya3ni كتير كتير زي ما بتقولو فى مصر :)
Aren't you familiar with Saber El Robe3i song? "barsha barsha"
la3 I am not:(
Allay khaleeki ya leilouta:)
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